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 The Winter 1999 issue of the journal was before my time here at CALYX, but I’ve always been drawn to this issue’s interesting cover (it looks like a combination of an lover in early morning and something from the movie Beetlejuice).  It’s a sculpture called “Belly” in clay, glaze,  and nylon by Leslie Rech.

My favorite poem from this journal is “Hens and Chickens” by Nancy Dalhberg. Not only because I have several chickens at home, but because of the line “And then I suddenly / remember my mother cleaning chickens / in the kitchen, pulling out pullet eggs while I / tugged at the tendons in the cut-off feet, / making the claws grasp and release, grasp and release.” 

What about life isn’t a “grasp and release, grasp and release.” 

I hope you enjoy taking a look at this issue as much as I have.

-Becky Olson, Assistant Editor

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